I read the entire blog from the guy who went into the gym and killed those women. His blog was already taken down but it exists in a Google cache.
It is a long and rather chilling read. The guy definitely had some issues with women. To go almost 20 years without having an intimate relationship is sort of mind boggling in this day and age. And I don't just mean sex. There are so many outlets for meeting people online in a non-threatening environment, establishing a relationship and taking it to the next level.
This quote also kind of stuck with me:
But this guy teaches (and convinced me) you can commit mass murder then still go to heaven.
Obviously this guy is a nut job and is trying to justify what he is about to do. But it is a quote that really puts into my mind something that is logically wrong with morality and religion. I have been to church when a priest has said "even the worst sinners can make it to heaven". That gives hope to those who are honestly seeking redemption, but what about those who haven't committed a sin but plan to do something bad and see that as their "get out of jail card" (like this guy obviously thought). And I am not just talking about murder. When I used to be a believer, I know for a fact that I used that "get out of jail" excuse when I did something that I didn't think was morally correct. I really just think it is a wrong message to send. Actions have consequences and repercussions.