I spent a couple hours last night playing with Snow Leopard. I have to say that it really makes it hard to go back to Leopard even after a couple of hours.
Look-wise there still isn't that much different. I bounced around the OS looking for differences and couldn't find too much. Context menus on the dock have a black translucent background. That's pretty nice. The general OS look itself is sharper. I am not sure if it is just a different font that they are using in the Finder, but it really is much more visually appealing than the Leopard Finder.
The one feature I am really starting to like is the new Expose "click-and-hold-on-a-dock-icon" to see all open windows for that application. I know that this is a blatant rip-off of Windows 7, which of course is a rip off of the original Expose, but it is very well executed. I have a tendency to have multiple Xcode windows going and it really makes it a snap to find the correct dev window.
The new QuickTime UI is a little disconcerting at first. It feels almost like a Quick Look window not a real app. I am sure I will get used to it though. Half the time I was just using Quick Look to watch downloaded video snippets anyway.
Speed wise is really where there is no turning back. Most apps just fire off instantly. Startup and Shutdown is jaw-dropping compared to Leopard. When I went back to using Leopard, I got that feeling of slow down. I am not sure if that was just a perception issue or reality.