Erik's Thoughts and Musings

Apple, DevOps, Technology, and Reviews

Studying for CKS

For Cyber Monday, I signed up to take the Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) certification to help me with my career. Last year I took the Certified Kubernetes Admistrator (CKA) exam so this is the next logical progression of that learning path.

I started strong with the studying by reading CKS literature and watching videos. The holidays slowed my pace considerably. The issue is that I am also interested in other things at the moment that are distracting me, including:

  • I am enjoying some YouTube channels that are teaching basic electronics. I was awful at Electrical Engineering 201 in college and want to remedy that by self-learning.
  • I binged and watched all of Star Trek: The Original Series and Star Trek: The Animated Series. Both I have never seen end-to-end.
  • My wife got me a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for a present. I have been researching my glucose spikes. While I don't have diabetes, I have been interested in improving my health lately. Understanding my lows and highs and how it relates to carbs has been enlightening.
  • I have been trying to work out more. I have been doing that by playing Pokemon Go. It gets me out of the house to either bike or walk.

Tonight I plan to crack open the CKS book! I would expect future blog posts as I dive in deeper with security. Some things I already am familiar with like kube-bench and network polices. More Linux specific things like AppArmor, I have my work cut out for me.