12:05: That's it. Game over. No Steve Jobs.
12:03: Wrapup? Going over what was discussed. Discussing sessions today.
12:01: New Ad for iPhone. Spying concept. Funny.
12:00: S available June 19.
12:00: Original iPhone 3G still on the market... $99
11:59: Price: $199 for 16 Mb. $299 for 32 Mb.
11:57: Much better battery life for the S. 9 hrs of Wi-Fi. Environmentally friendly phone. Amazing speed.
11:56: Hardware encryption. Asked by other companies. Helps with Find My iPhone app.
11:55: Amazing new compass app! Works in Google Maps. Very sweet.
11:53: Voice control interface!! Phone calling! Play a song. Ask phone "What song playing on iPhone?". Tell Phone. "Play more songs like this".
11:49: 3 Megapixel zooming camera. Autofocus and tap zoom support. Nice feature. Auto Macro as close as 10cm away. Captures video!! Switch to change between photo on video in Camera app. Edit and crop right from phone. Sharing to Youtube. Build in video capture right into your applications.
11:47: Speed ups everywhere. Approximately 2x on average faster across the board. Built in support for fast 3G network 7.2 Mb bandwidth.
11:46: Introducing iPhone 3G S: Fastest most powerful iphone ever. S stands for speed. Really fast iPhone.
11:45: Phil talks about how the iPhone has changed the industry. Talked about 2/3 of mobile browsing happening on a iPhone. iPhone have 10x the amount of the apps as the nearest competitor... Android.
11:44: Scott is done with his talk. Back to Phil.
11:41: That's it for the developer demos. Free 3.0 upgrade for iPhone. 9.95 for Touch. Avaliable June 17. WWDC attendees get an iPhone 3.0 GM today.
11:37: Line 6 and Planet Waves. Control Guitar and Amp right from iPhone. Not my cup of tea. But looks pretty good/cool. More demo troubles.
11:33: Zipcar. Location software. All the available zipcars in city. Browse through the cars. Cool little way where you can find the car just by hitting a button on the iPhone and it unlocks the doors.
11:29: PASCO. Science app for education. Scott Forstall helping with balloon bursting. All decked out in science gear. Demo bombed! It didn't work. Thing is you can connect accessories to a phone including science gear.
11:26: ngmoco:) Games exclusively for iPhone. Star Defense Game app. Tower defense strategy game. Very 3D intensive. Funny demoer. Game ON!... 3.0 features: shop right from game to get game packs. BAM 100 more hour of gaming in your pocket! LOL.
11:22: TomTom. Accessory integration. Navigation software. Turn by turn. Software talks to you. TomTom car kit puts your iPhone on a dock attach to windshield. Use int portrait and landscape. Enchances GPS signals. Also plays music for car stereo.
11:19: Scroll Motion. Bookstore app. Soon to have 1 million books for the software. Nice UI. About as good looking as Stanza. Cut and paste from book for Textbooks.
11:16: Airstrip Technologies. Medical software. Airstrip CC. 3.0 features. Push notification alert. Real-time monitoring of a patient even outside of the hospital. Very sweet app even from a non medical person.
11:14: Gameloft. Asphalt 5. Game. Great graphics. Play ipod while playing game. Console quality gaming the developer says. iPhone 3.0 features: p2p, wi-fi play on internet.
11:13: iPhone 3.0 developers are going to come up and talk about what they have done with iPhone 3.0.
11:13: 1000 new APIs in iPhone SDK.
11:12: Push notification is in 3.0. Laughs.
11:11: New component to embed Google Maps right into an app.
11:10: Accessories. Opening up for Hardware accessory developers to create companion accessories. Discussing Diabetes medical tool that talks with device. Talks over Dock connector or wirelessly over bluetooth.
11:09: Peer-to-peer connectivity. Two kids can find each other and play Backgammon with each other. Bluetooth support.
11:05: New Find My iPhone app. Funny video from 30 Rock. Service only to Mobile Me 3.0 users. Find exactly where your phone is. Big applause. App actually pings with an alert sound on the phone even if in silent mode. Web page shows your phone in Google Maps. Very Sweet! Can send remote wipe!
11:04: Language support. Soft keyboard support makes it easy to change languages. New support for L-R languages. Support for over 30 languages now. Both portrait and landscape.
11:04: Adding support for emerging HTML standards.
11:02: Safari updates. Javascript 3 times faster. Remember login and password. Webform autofills.
11:00: Tethering. Sharing Internet Connection from machine to iPhone.. Works Mac and PCs. USB and Bluetooth! Needs carrier support. 22 countries on release of 3.0. AT&T support later. A bunch of Whats!
10:59: Parental Controls. Controls movie, video, and apps.
10:58: Spotlight support. Search across phone apps. iTunes enhancements. Rent and purchase movies right from phone. Get TV shows, music videos, audiobooks. Support for iTunes U since Apple supports education.
10:56: Landscape support comes to all apps. MMS. Requires carrier support. 29 carriers will support it at launch. AT&T will support at end of summer!! Boos.
10:56: Cut copy paste in all text controls.
10:55: Back to Scott. 100 new features for iPhone. Cut copy paste. Works across apps. Undo support with shake.
10:53: Fun again for a developer to write apps. A bunch of users showing what their favorite iPhone apps are. Very neat video.
10:51: MLB baseball profile. Developer Tools are simple. Embrace power of the mobile device. Developers can't believe they are writing for a mobile app... Think it is a desktop app.
10:49: Video of some App developer stories. Game, medical developers. A guy who writes game software and travels around the country. Cool looking graphics app showing on a nurses iPhone.
10:48: 50,000 apps in the App Store. 40 million iPhones and Touches sold. 1 billion apps sold in 9 months. Apple gives big thank you.
10:47: Scott up now to talk about iPhone. History of iPhone SDK.
10:46: Snow Leopard $29!!!!!! Big applause. Family pack $49. Available Sept. They want all Leopard users to upgrade.
10:46: Snow Leopard only for Intel. Past and Present.
10:45: Exchange support needs Exchange Server 2007. Laughs about the fact that Mac users get exchange support for free and Windows users have to pay for Office to get it.
10:41: Demo of Exchange Support from Craig. QuickLook. Data detectors all work with exchange email. Meeting invites look really easy to use.
10:40: Exchange Support. Ho Hum from this audience. Easy setup gets an applause though.
10:38: OpenCL. OpenGL beyond graphics. Explaining OpenCL. Big applause for making OpenCL an open standard.
10:38: Explaining GCD.
10:36: Multicore. Threaded programming is hard. Grand Central Dispatch. Integration all areas in the software stack.
10:35: Memory of 64-bit... An app can use 16 Billion GB. 64-bit math 2x faster.
10:34: Bertrand back. Talking hardware. The power of silicon. CPU, GPU, 64-bit.
10:32: Quicktime X demo. Video is center stage. Controls get out of way. Trim video right from QuickTime video player! Awesome. Sharing MobileMe and other video sites.
10:30: Spring loading into expose. Very Neat! Google Maps is really fast in Safari. Stunning speed. Top Sites shown.
10:28: Finder thumbnails are really sweet when increasing size. Play movies right in Finder. Dock Expose demo. Really nice feature to compete against Windows Task Bar refinements. Very nice.
10:27: Demo by Craig Federighi of Snow Leopard refinements. Drilling into stacks. Stacks are scrollable.
10:26: Quicktime X. Modern foundation Hardware acceleration. HTTP Streaming. New UI.
10:25: Crash protection. Most crashes are caused by plugins in Safari. Fixed it by component. Javascript 50% faster.
10:24: Safari is very fast against other browsers. Speed difference based off IE8 speed 7x faster. Bunch of laughs. Safari 100 on acid test. IE8 20.
10:23: Mail. Much faster. Safari. Top Sites feature. Today Safaris ships.
10:22: Preview. Missed it. Ack.
10:21: Snow Leopard install is 45% faster. Recover disk space on install. Over 6 GB more space.
10:20: Refined 90% of the apps in Leopard for Snow Leopard. Finder UIs have not changed. Just Cocoa rewrite.
The Dock: How to deal with clutter. Expose is now build in the dock. Interesting!
10:19: Introduce Snow Leopard. Build a better Leopard. Goals: Refinements, Technology, Exchange support.
10:17: Leopard most successful software Apple ever had. Big dig at how Vista sucks! LOL... Making point that Windows 7 is just rebranded Vista.... DLLs suck, UAC sucks. Registry sucks.
10:17: Bertrand is invited up to talk about OS.
10:16: 5 notebooks on screen. Very environmentally friendly designs. World's greenest line of notebooks. Big applause.
10:15: Updated Macbook Air. Mild applause.
10:12: New 13" unibody MB. 2 hrs more battery life. 7 hrs. Up to 500 Mb HD. Firewire 800. It lives! This MB is now called a 13" MBP. Starting $1199. Shipping today.
10:11: New 17" configuration. Shipping Today.
10:08: New SD card slot for 15" MBP. Awesome performance. 250 Gb. 8 Gb RAM up to. Starts $1699! Really Nice specs.
10:06: New 15-inch unibody MBP. 7 hours battery life! New Lithium Polymer batteries. 5 years of life before battery diminishes.
10:05: Talking about unibody MBPs.
10:05: Bertrand and Scott Forstall will be giving presentations a little later after Phil.
10:03: Phil Schiller giving presentation so far. No Steve. Over 5000 developers at WWDC.
10:03: 75 million active OSX users since. Tripled since 2006.
10:00a: Lights went down. Warning to mute cell phones. Crowd happy.
New Mac vs PC commercial. PC is making jokes. Really funny.... Innovation, but not too much innovation from developers this week. Mac says " Have a great connference".
Crowd going wild.
9:59a: Doors are already closed
9:58a: Seats are pretty good. About 30-40 meters from the stage.